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The vineyards that supply our winery year after year have particular characteristics created by the area where they are grown.


At 600 meters above sea level and latitude 33° South, these vineyards are irrigated with the waters from the Andes mountain range. More specifically, they are located at Valle Central, in the Santa Rosa district, which is the area with the greatest grape production in the country. It has sandy soils and soft winds during most of the year, and a great temperature range, causing the bunches of grapes to be structured, elegant, colorful and tasty. The semi arid weather, with hot days and cool nights, grants unique sugar content to the grapes.


At present, we own 200 cultivated hectares, with another 500 hectares from independent grape growers who trust us with their grapes for winemaking.


This allows us to keep our work on schedule in order to achieve quality standards consistent from one year to another, obtaining the style and the number of litres necessary to supply both the domestic and the international markets.


Retamo s/n - Santa Rosa - 5596 - Mendoza - Argentina
Tel / Fax: + 54 0263 4497089 / 4497090



+54 9 2634941737

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